Lower your data costs.
Scale faster.

Data plan cost optimization is your new source of enormously valuable savings every month.

Grow your IoT

"Simline immediately reduced our monthly bill by 40%. It's as close as you can get to a no-brainer for IoT companies."

George Tulle

President, MRL Integrated Solutions Inc.

Monthly data costs using Simline

Connect once and start saving money

Simline optimizes your data plans so you always stay under your usage limits and every device is on the optimal plan.

Live in just three steps

It takes longer to go to the grocery store.

We set it up for you

We'll connect your IoT control center to Simline. Your tech team isn't required.

Gather data

Data is analyzed and shows what savings you'll see by using Simline.

Start saving money

See a bill reduction at the end of the current billing cycle. It's that easy.


Cut wasted data

Simline ensures your devices are in the right plans to avoid overages. When everything is in the right place, you immediately save money.


Know your data costs

Simline's intelligent Dashboard gives you more insight into how your money is being spent, giving you a better understanding of how to grow.


Turn off data overages

No matter how much or where a device used data, Simline fits your devices into the lowest cost plans.

Even if you think your current plan is optimized, we can often save you even more.

Simline continuously scans the best rate plans for and automatically changes to the best plan for you.

This frees up a shocking amount of time for you to work on scaling like a SaaS.

The result? Your entire data plan portfolio is on autopilot.

So easy to start, you just set it and forget it.

Continuous protection so you save every month.

Connects to all major IoT control centres.

Custom integrations available to fit your setup.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know Simline will work for us?

If you use wireless services in your products that you get billed for, Simline will work for you. We automate the back officestasks associated with wireless services used in IoT products.

Am I tied to a contract?

No! We believe you should only pay for services that generate value for your company. We bill monthly as long as the service was used within the billed month, but if you decide to take a break, or stop using Simline altogether, we cease invoicing for the service.

Can I try Simline before committing?

Yes! We'll help you get setup, and assists you in running an evaluation at no cost.

We use a lot of IoT sims for internal use, is Simline a fit?

Yes! Simline will ensure your sims are managed correctly so you don't experience an overage ever again.You can also use the billing automation to generate internal cost reports for internal cost assignement.

Reduce data costs in as little as 30 mins.
Savings are really that close.

Grow your IoT